Academic CV
Updated 02/10/23

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Experience in handling large datasets both in the statistical analysis of large catalogues and in processing radio inteferometry data. Have helped to develop processing pipelines within a large collaboration ready to use on HPC clusters. I am proficient in using Python for data science and am confident in my statistical knowledge and ability to present data in a clear and intuitive fashion.


Radio Differences of Broad Absorption Line Quasars - Durham University - 2020-Present

What drives the radio differences between sources with very similar properties across the rest of the spectrum? Broad Absorption Line Quasars show fast moving outflows that are thought to be a prime mode of AGN feedback which can modify the behaviour of a galaxy hosting a supermassive blackhole. However, the two main varieties of BALs show significantly different radio properties that are yet to be explained. Using international LOFAR data I will place these sources more accurately both in an evolutionary timeline and in a cohesive model that can explain them.


Durham University 2020-Present
PhD in Astronomy
I am undertaking a PhD in astronomy under the supervision of Dr Leah Morabito.

Durham University 2016-2020
MPhys - Physics and Astronomy - 1st Class with Honours


Intern - Dronelab Summer 2019
I worked as an intern at Dronelab, a cloud based hosting system for drone imagery. I mainly worked on improving profile pages for premium subscription users and adding new features such as a map of image locations for users. I also experimented with computer vision and machine learning to analyse growth of different plants in moors for Durham County Council ;

Tutor - Advantage 11+ 2015-Present
I have been an 11+ tutor for the past few years. I deliver lessons and multiple week long courses in Maths, English, Verbal and non-Verbal skills. Class sizes can vary from 1-to-1 teaching all the way up to groups ~25 of 9-11 year old students. Teaching has improved my planning and management and I now hope to take these skills and apply them to my teaching of much older students.

Amateur Musician - Durham 2016-Present
Music has allowed me to develop skills far outside of what is available in Physics and Astronomy. I have been a part of several bands in Durham, both playing for college and university groups and as part of a gigging band with some friends. During my time we released two albums and performed with “Too Many Zoos” (backing track to the Joe Biden presidential campaign 2020!) in Newcastle. I also organised a tour to Amsterdam with my college band and organised over 28 gigs a year earning ~£5000 requiring significant management of contracts, liability insurance and people forgetting to show up!


James Petley
Contact at
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